New Publications

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The European Commission has released a Staff Working Document on Youth Indicators. The document outlines a series of 40 indicators in the youth field. The indicators cover all the fields of action of the EU Youth Strategy and further enhance the Commission's evidence-based approach to youth policy.

The GOETE project has published its first Working Paper: a State of the Art Report on structures and problems of educational trajectories in Europe.

The Belgian EU Presidency has published a report about youth work and youth policy in Europe, bringing together the topics of discussions and conferences held in the field of youth under the Belgian EU Presidency. As the main topics, the report discusses youth work, youth and employment and European and international policy agendas on children, youth and children’s rights. The first ever European Convention on Youth work is one of the highlights.

UNICEF has launched a report about the state of the world's children in 2011 facing problems, opportunities, challenges and perspectives of adolescents in 9 panel countries. Hereunder are issues including the environment, poverty, violence, migration, indigenous people, gender, HIV and AIDS.

Below we document an interview Professor Dr. Thorsten Bohl (University of Tuebingen, Germany), member of the GOETE consortium gave to the magazine ‘bildung & wissenschaft’.